Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D)
  • Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D)
  • Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D)
Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D)
Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D) Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy) (22119D)

Daddy`s Boy Whore #55 DVD (Bring Me A Boy)

59,95 CAD$
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I know you're ready for some more boys. Cris likes that his boy thinks about fitness. Watching his sexy stepson, Gregor’s, body on that bike made him think about how his hole would feel on his dick. Cris reached down and started playing with Gregor’s meat to get things started. Conor appreciates it when his friends trust him enough to assist in their kid's development into adulthood. Jeremy is the son of an old friend, so Conor made sure to take extra care of his needs, down to his dick. Den’s dick jumps every time he watches his boy, Angel, study. Today was no different. Angel tried to tell Den he had no time, but they both knew he better make some time for daddy. Bautista was excited to get a call from his stepbrother, Ilhan, asking for a massage. It had been a long time since he jerked Ilhan off after school, but knew they could both get what we wanted and needed. Enjoy.

Durée: 1h 15min
Acteurs: Angel Abell, Bautista Nores, Conor, Cris Denny, Den Fitness, Gregor Gilead, Ilhan Jensen, Jeremy
Réalisateur: Joel Knight

Avertissement concernant le sexe BAREBACK: Ce film présente des scènes tournées sans condomes. Cette manière de sexe est précaire à cause du risque d’une transmission de l’HIV et d’autres maladies d’infections. Normalement, les acteurs sont soumis à un test jusqu’avant les tournages. Des autres films sont tournés avec des acteurs HIV positifs. Quelques films étaient réalisés autrefois quand l’éfficacité d’une protection avec un condom n’était ni connue ni acceptée. Nous vous prions d’utiliser des capotes TOUJOURS ! N’imitez jamais ces scènes de se!!

Studio: Bring Me A Boy
Catégories: Médias, DVD, Bareback, Daddies, Minets (18-22), Jeunes Hommes
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